[accessally_login use_https=’no’ show_logged_in=’yes’ show_not_logged_in=’yes’ button_text=’Login!’ username_label=’Email’ password_label=’Password’ rememberme_label=’Remember Me’ lost_password_label=’Lost your password?’ snappy_login=’allow’]
This page is extremely flexible in nature, and can be used for a variety of purposes. The three most common uses include allowing users to update:
- Contact information – this will update the user’s information inside your CRM, as well.
- Profile Photo – Allow users to upload their own profile photos with shortcode.
- Membership site password – this will allow a user to update their password to the membership site, which will also update inside the CRM.
Start by the AccessAlly shortcode “Update User Profile” that we have added on this page. You can add more elements via the AccessAlly shortcode adder (see our tutorial on shortcode adder here). Don’t forget to hit “publish” on this page when you’re ready and link to it from within your site! [accessally_account_details_update update_password=’no’]